Thursday, January 07, 2010

Well, what does stupendous smell like?

I am a Bible-believing Christian. I believe the Bible is true because I have proved it to be so. I believe God exists because He transformed my life and brought me, through faith in Christ, into a personal relationship with Himself. I believe atheism is foolishness.

From time to time I write about atheism in this blog. Yet I doubt I could do so quite as well as does author Dave Hunt in a recent article of his.

It is astonishing, he says, that almost no one on either side of this debate ever mentions the one key factor that separates man from all lower creatures: man's ability to form conceptual ideas and to express them in words and music and art! We are made in the image of God our Creator and the lover of our souls. The same cannot be said of any other living creature.

This simple fact reveals the futility of searching the world of fossils to find a 'missing link' between man and lower creatures of any kind. It is equally futile to search the DNA of men and animals for a missing link. Neither the skeletal structure nor the DNA has anything to do with who the person really is. The DNA of a chimpanzee is 96 per cent like that of humans. This does not indicate any evolutionary connection between man and chimps as Francis Collins, a professing Christian recently appointed to head the National Institutes of Health, suggests. Even if the complete skeletons and DNA of Albert Einstein, Charles Dickens, and Ludwig van Beethoven could be discovered, would they hold the key to the genius of these men? Of course not! The real person is a nonphysical being living inside the physical body. This fact is indisputable.

As for your brain, it does not originate your thoughts. You are the thinker who will live on endlessly after the body lies rotting in the grave. Souls and spirits are not subject to the laws of physics and chemistry that govern our bodies. These facts bear serious consequences for each of us. What happens to the soul and spirit after death? Hebrews 9:27 states 'It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.' You can laugh your way into hell, but you can't laugh your way out. . .

Atheists want to avoid the question of origins. They talk about a sudden burst of energy that one critic named the 'Big Bang,' but they cannot tell us what energy is, where or why it was hiding, or why it suddenly showed itself in a cosmic explosion. Nor can they explain how life could spring forth from a universe that had experienced temperatures hotter than the interior of the hottest star. They can't tell us what life is or how it could be imparted to lifeless chemicals that the body comprises. Isn't it dishonest to talk about evolution without first of all facing certain foundational questions? . . .

Atheists are materialists. For them nothing exists except matter. Allegedly, man is no more than his physical body. The materialist thesis is easily disproved. Thoughts are not physical, nor are ideas. Dictionaries and encyclopedias are filled with words for which there are no physical descriptions. What is the color of ethical? What does stupendous smell like? How much does remarkable weigh? . . .

The truth cannot be avoided, and honestly facing it must not be delayed! Twice the Bible declares 'The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God' (Ps 14:1, 53:1).

That's just part of the article. I really do recommend that you read it all. You can do so by clicking here.