Thursday, September 23, 2010

Coming home

I was reading a chapter in the Bible and getting nothing from it because half my mind was somewhere else. Then I came to the last verse in the chapter: Ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls (1 Pet 2:25).

That's me all right. When I was a young man I was well astray. Now the thing about a sheep is that if it goes astray it will never find the shepherd. The shepherd has to find it. People talk about finding Christ. Strictly speaking, it isn't true. You don't find Him; He finds you.

I well remember the divinely appointed circumstances that caused me to hear the gospel, possibly for the first time. For several months, I was aware somehow that God was working in my life. I remember one day sitting alone on the top deck of a bus (a young man well away from the Good Shepherd) trying to sing Jesus wants me for a sunbeam. (I only knew the words of the first line.) Can you imagine?

One night a while later I got down on my knees by the side of my bed and gave my life to Christ. I'm so glad that He's organising the details of my life. I'm so glad my sins are forgiven. I'm so glad that I have a home in heaven, that my future is secure.

The same book of the Bible that says He's the Shepherd and Bishop of my soul says When the chief Shepherd shall appear. . . He's the chief Shepherd. He's coming back, and it may be soon. I want to be ready for that day.

When you can say "The Lord is my Shepherd," you can also say "I shall not want." Is your life secure in His hand, or are you still running your own life, making your own decisions, and making a mess of it?

When you decide to hand your life over to Him, you'll find Him waiting. When you've done it, you'll find a wonderful peace. And you'll wonder what took you so long.