Saturday, May 23, 2009

Why are atheists so aggressive?

Why are atheists so aggressive these days, what with books by Richard Dawkins, posters on the sides of buses and the formation of the National Federation of Atheist, Humanist and Secular Student Societies to support atheist students?

I have some ideas on the matter, but not being totally convinced of the reason, I'd like to leave the question open. Somebody supposed it was because atheists, while content to pooh-pooh the idea of a God, were irked because they were finding it increasingly difficult to counter the claims of intelligent design. Proponents of intelligent design don't speak of a God, but do suggest that the physical and biological systems we see around us are best explained as having an intelligent cause.

Francis Crick and James Watson, the scientists who discovered the structure of DNA, were, I understand, both atheists. They had a desire to show that the mysterious phenomena of life could be explained in terms of physics and chemistry. In discovering the structure of DNA, which I understand is found in every cell in the body, they discovered something incredibly complex. So complex, in fact, that it must have had an intelligence behind it.

DNA contains information. Someone has said that in just a pinpoint of DNA you can find as much information as in four complete 30-volume sets of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Information, from where I'm sitting, can't come from evolution, but only from an intelligence.

So when they discovered something so amazingly complex, did Crick and Watson cease to be atheists? Evidently not.

I have a theory about atheists. I suggest that an atheist is not an atheist because he can't believe, but because he won't believe. I suppose that atheists are not atheists because of evidence or the lack of it, but because of hardness of heart.

Christianity and science are not necessarily opposed. Some Christians are scientists, and some scientists are Christians.

But beware. Some Christians believe in evolution. How can you be a Christian and believe in evolution? Only by disbelieving the account of creation in Genesis. Here's the problem: if you believe the account of creation in Genesis is untrue, how do you know the rest of the Bible is true?

Here's something to bear in mind as you think about these things. Mark 10 tells how the Pharisees were disputing with Jesus about the question of divorce. In verses 6 - 8, Jesus says: "From the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female. For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh, so then they are no longer two, but one flesh." He was quoting from the first two chapters of Genesis.

Jesus believed in the Genesis account.